How do we support learning?


We enjoy a world rapidly changing, where there are always new skills, tools, and techniques to learn to be ready for changes. Under the motto #LifeForLearning, to promote the learning experience of our employees, we have created a personal development HUB, the “DTSE CZ Campus”, operating as an umbrella making various types of learning options available. The offer includes job-related trainings but also training to help our employees develop their career paths.

There are various approaches to learning. Each employee uses various techniques, but learning can be effective only when the learning path is clear and expectations are set.

In DTSE CZ, we promote a culture of self-evaluation and assessment. This is mixed with a collection of practices and processes that encourage employees to develop knowledge and competence.

How the does learning process looks like?

The first step is self-evaluation. Our team leaders and managers support and involve employees in the evaluation of their own work. Through this process, employees stay involved and motivated on self-reflection and responsibility for their own learning.

What are the results of the assessment?
Normally, employees can identify skill gaps, where their knowledge is weak and can see where to focus their attention on learning. Employees, together with supervisors, can then plan and develop a training plan. 

Careful planning of the activities takes place. If online training, or on the job, it gives employees a pleasant and meaningful learning experience. The last steps in the learning process are monitoring and evaluating the learning process to reflect on progress made and feedback to next steps.

To learn more about learning opportunities in our company read the article about the  DTSE CZ Campus.