My internship in DTSE CZ: Marika' s experience.


Meet Marika, a student of Adult education who recently completed an internship in the HR department. We asked her a few questions about the internship and she answered them in a brief interview.

Why did you apply for an internship at DTSE CZ and what were your expectations? 

I applied because I had to complete a professional internship during my university studies. My friend who works at DTSE recommended it to me. I wanted to learn how the HR department works and what the HR Specialist role is about. I had no experience with any internship so far. This one was my first.

How did the internship go and what was the content?

I worked mostly remotely from home because of the coronavirus pandemic. My major task was to create a user manual for an HR software. I also got acquainted with the tasks and scope of work of the HR Specialist. It was interesting to learn about employee benefits, for example.

How did you like our company? Could you describe our company’s culture and atmosphere?

I like the company and the environment in which employees work. Offices are nicely furnished and I liked the names of the meeting rooms named in different ways (e.g. according to the planets). But as I mentioned before, I was working mostly from home. Unfortunately, I haven’t met many people in the company (because of protective measures connected to the pandemic situation). For this reason, I can objectively assess mainly the office space, not the atmosphere.

How was the cooperation with the HR team? What areas did you focus on within HR?

I mainly communicated with one member of the HR team, Katka, who was very nice and pleasant. She explained everything I asked for. She was always patient if I didn’t understand something. I also attended an HR virtual meeting and everyone was very nice and friendly.

What do you take away from your internship and what would you like to do in the future?

I have been wishing to work in HR for a long time. This experience confirmed my wishes and I hope that it will help me find a job in this area.

Would you recommend a similar experience to other students? Why?

I would definitely recommend this to other students. It is an opportunity to test if the job really fits you. You will get acquainted with the company, its culture, environment.