Yoga, stretching...what else?
Today our colleague from the HR department Eva interviewed Diana, the colleague responsible for yoga and stretching lessons in our office.
How did organizing stretching and yoga classes in DTSE CZ come up?
When I joined the company some months ago, stretching and yoga lessons were already in place. My colleagues Roland, Maria and the Management have the greatest credit for building these lessons. Now I continue this tradition. I would also like to add that the quality of the lessons also depends on our lecturer, Martina. She has a very professional and positive attitude. Actually Roland was the first one in the company to set up our health offer.
What is your role in this project? Who do you cooperate with?
I am responsible for the organization of the lessons. I create the invitation for colleagues; I set the date of the lesson with the lecturer. I provide sports equipment for the lessons. I also try to make the lessons more enjoyable for my colleagues. My biggest support is my colleague Maria who gave me trust, and I took over the entire organization and agenda.
What yoga and stretching lessons look like?
The stretching lesson lasts 30 minutes, we focus on the stretching of the entire body. Employees who sit all day by the computer appreciate it very much. The yoga session lasts 45 minutes, we practice breathing, stretching, and it also includes final relaxation.
What is the biggest challenge for you in this project?
I want to satisfy my colleagues' wishes and keep the lessons at an attractive level. I want colleagues to be interested in the lessons. I hope as many colleagues as possible will attend the lessons.
In connection with the current exceptional situation, stretching and yoga classes are taking place online. I consider this a great opportunity for employees not to miss this benefit!
We did not want employees to lose the opportunity to take the yoga or stretching lessons, even in this exceptional situation, so management came up with the idea to do it online. This idea inspired us, and we discussed with our lecturer, who was very positive and accepted this challenge. I hope this fulfilled my colleagues' expectations and they are excited about the opportunity to work out or enjoy a moment of relaxation at home. We also received positive feedback from employees.
How would you motivate colleagues who haven't tried stretching or yoga lessons yet?
Everyone must find the motivation to try. However, I can tell colleagues they will not regret it once they will try. Perhaps they will find another goal or hobby in their lives. And this would be a follow-up to a motivational quote from Brian Tracy: "Take the first step - that's what differentiates the winners from the losers." So who am I going to meet at the next lesson?